
Concept Review Ikhwan Al Safa Educational Thought*

Ikhwanus Safa (the sacred brotherhood) is the name pinned on a group of liberal-minded thinkers who explore and develop its activities in science and philosophy with the aim not merely for the sake of science itself, but to meet the expectations of others, such as the formation of community-ethics religious and uniting various circles in a container that is always ready to fight for their aspirations. Ethical-spiritual community is an assimilation of various Muslim circles of heterogeneous, the heterogeneity that characterizes this group, they reflect the pluralistic characteristics, since members of the elements of the cross-sects or schools.
Muslim thinkers engaged in secret, was born in the 4th century (10M) in Basrah. Confidentiality of this group who also called himself Khulan group Al-Wafa ', Ahl al-ADL, and Abna' Al Hamd1, perhaps because of political tendencies, and only revealed after a powerful dynasty in Baghdad in the year Buwaihi 983M.

C.1 Educational Thought Ikhwan al-Safa
Educational thinking Ikhwan al-Safa which covers several aspects: the purpose of education, educators, environmental education, curriculum, axiology, and methods of education.
a. Axiology
Ikhwan al-Safa explained that the good and bad can be explained by reason, because ukuranya very rational. Moral principles as the basis for assessing whether a person's behavior is good or bad is definitely a category that yidak can be reduced or lowered. According to him, the good is automatically have implications for the acquisition of reward, and good deeds that arise from within rather than because they expect something coming from outside.
With the foundation, the Ikhwan al-Safa explained that some individual ability is innate and partly the other is the result of human effort. After birth, someone begins to understand what is good and what is bad through the effort of thinking. Thus the process will continue until the end of life. Action is to be quite good if done properly (true and correct kaitanya with time and place). Thus it can be said that the axiology described by the Ikhwan Al-Safa is in a group of concentration, namely ethics
b. Epistimologi
Epistemology of the Ikhwan al-Safa using rational methods. Rational method is the method used to acquire knowledge by using the considerations of truth or the criteria for an acceptable ratio. According to this method is considered correct if something can be accepted by the mind like ten more than five. No one is able to reject the truth of this example based on the use of his senses, because it is rationally ten more than the five is an irrefutable statement.

In science theory Ikhwan al-Safa has a different opinion of Plato who declared that the soul of "re-learn by remembering what they have gained while in the natural idea, before the down to earth. In the wild ideas, the soul knows many things. At the time of the soul moving from the idea that the character of a spiritual nature to the material nature, he forgot the first dimillikinya knowledge. Therefore, everything he had learned (in the material nature), actually just be reminded once again that the knowledge possessed (in the nature of ideas).
In contrast to Plato's theory of knowledge, the Ikhwan al-Safa assumes all knowledge can be acquired in three ways, among others, stems from the absorption inderawiah. "Because everything that is not accessible by the senses tida can imagine, and something that can not be in imagine, then no could "dirasiokan". Thus, the early rational insights, originated from the absorption inderawiah. The proof, intelligent people who have different levels of rational knowledge. This is caused by the difference in quality inderawiah, the pattern of their interaction with other environments.
Acquisition of knowledge by faculty, this is the way
The most natural and normal. However, with our senses can only get (knowledge about) the changes are easily captured by the senses
us and we know it is only the changes that occur in
space and time
The second is, by reason or by thinking pure excellence. However, the thought was, if not aided by the senses, will not acquire knowledge. After all, these concepts are not related to our senses, such as the concept of god and the first material, will not be known only by thinking alone without the help of the senses. Another way kaitanya closely with both the way the above is by way of proof, and here performed by experts dialectic really good.
The third through the initiation (ordination) and is most closely kaitanya
with the esoteric doctrine of the Ikhwan al-Safa. In this way a person get
direct knowledge of teachers, namely teachers in understanding and deep seluasluasnya. This teacher gets his knowledge of the imam (religious leader) and imam get it from other priests, and priests get dar prophet and the prophet of Allah, the most recent source of knowledge.
c. Destination Education Perspective Ikhwan al-Safa
According to the Ikhwan al-Safa 'knowledge of science is a picture of someone who knows the soul. Learning is the potential to be an actual issue, the main purpose of education is the goal moral8. While the function of education to help the uneducated to realize self-development efforts Totalita education is a moral activity that is to be morally good, positive habits, and actions of a person become straight; want to convey the message to the person who is entitled, intelligent self-control, respect the rights of others, being either against your neighbors, be sincere to others, full of love and affection, not greedy, do not like complaining, being empathetic and selfless in doing good, because if have strings attached to the back, or have a thankless unt uk at flattered, it's no longer good value , but rather to nifaq's and not proper for such people are in line ruhania noble creatures.
While the ultimate goal of education is to increase the level of human dignity of the holy angels, in order to achieve this could be realized Allah.hal pleased with one's commitment to moral behavior, so she was able to achieve the dignity of humanity is approaching levels close to haribaan angels and God. He will earn rewards that can not be described rewarded with words, as described God's "human soul I do not know what to hide their true form of pleasure, in return for what they have done."
Ikhwan al-Safa also believes that educational activities starting before kalahiran. Therefore, the condition of the baby and the development has been influenced by the state of health of the mother's pregnancy and pregnant ng yes. Thus, attention must be given education since the time of the fetus in the womb of things that are meant to provide a positive influence on growth and intellectual development and mental health of the fetus.
d. Educators and learners Ikhwan al-Safa Perspective
Ikhwan al-Safa puts educators (teachers) in a strategic position and the core of educational activities. They require intelligence, maturity, moral honesty, sincerity, kejernian thought, the ethos of science and not blind fanatics on the educators themselves. The Brethren believe that educating the same by making the "father" of the two, because the educator or teacher is the father, guardian of your soul's growth and development, as well as both parents are forming a physical-biological way, then the teacher is the spiritual formation of mental visual. Because teachers have been feeding the soul with a variety of knowledge and guide on road safety and permanency, such as what has been done by parents who cause the body one is born into the world, nurture and teach for a living to live in this world, no blind fanatic on educators themselves.
The Brethren believe that educating the same by making the "father" of the two, because the educator or teacher is the father, guardian of your soul's growth and development, as well as both parents are forming a physical-biological way, then the teacher is the spiritual formation of mental visual. Because teachers have been feeding the soul with a variety of knowledge and guide on road safety and permanency, such as what has been done by parents who cause the body one is born into the world, nurture and teach for a living to live in this world.
As for the students Ikhwan al-Safa believes that every
children born with aptitudesnya, meaning that with the potential to be in actualizing. With reason and emotion, the child will be able to start developing intellect in habt dar stage, and then intelect in actu, and finally to the acquaired intelect.
Thus the position of departing from the well-educated children will be increased to educators for himself, where the shape is very varied ranging from a self-taught learning disabled or able to make decisions without being influenced by others. Ikhwan al-Safa thinking that students tend to imitate the educators seemed to conflict with pemikiranya that education leads to kemandiria and behavior and tawhid.
e. Environmental Education Perspective Ikhwan al-Safa
According to Ikhwan environment is very influential in the formation of moral and educational one, in a brotherly rasa'il al sapha explained that there are two that affect the person's moral formation is through innate and environmental influences.
Brethren strongly recommend that a child grows in an environment conducive to education, because the soul like the baby before any fill a clean white paper does not exist any posts have been filled when the soul of a knowledge or belief, whether true or false, then some of them have tertulisi and difficult to be abolished so that, among the Brethren demanding parents, caregivers and educators to understand the nature of child development and sensory-stage stage
f. Curriculum Perspectives Ikhwan al-Safa
Ikhwan al-Safa is a sacred brotherhood devoted
on improving education in the Islamic world, which developed the program as a whole in a series pendidikanya Minutes. They explore
zamanya science and wrote a treatise on trying to link the curriculum with the philosophical sciences in schools of Islam, and indeed this organization group mempunnyai popular ideology in education in batasbatas teertentu accordance with the principles of modern education.
They bring to the creation of basic theories in education \ teaching, and among their theories is the necessity of teaching children at start of observation through the senses before a rational thought. Therefore they view the observation as a tool to study sensory bahanbahan rational knowledge which should be linked to the science of divinity

Ikhwan al-Safa more attention to the curriculum at the high madrasa,
in a series of minutes of the Ikhwan al-Safa, encyclopaedic approach through education, which originated from Basra to the tenth century AD, appears in the form of a compilation, mostly used in the world of Islamic education. The topics covered in the free teaching are:
General disciplines: literacy, the meaning of words and grammar, arithmetic, literature (poetry and poetry), the science of signs and signals, the science of magic, chemistry, commerce, and skilled hands, buying and selling, commercial, agricultural and animal husbandry , and nd biographical stories.
1. Religious sciences: the science of al-Quran, Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh, dhikr, ascetic, Sufism, and syahadah.
2. Philosophical sciences: mathematics, logic, science, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music, arithmetic, geometry law, natural science, anthropology, substance, form, space, elements, cosmology movement, production, smelting, meteorology, natural essence and its manifestations, botany, zoology, anatomy and anthropology, embryology of sensory perception, the human as a microcosm; development of the soul (evolutionary psychology): body and soul; different languages (pilologi), psychology (pemeheman duni psychiatric and so forth), theology; esoteric doctrine of Islam, arrangement of a spiritual nature, as well as natural science magic.
According to the Brotherhood, during the first four years in the life of a student acquiring knowledge through the senses (khawas) and instinct (garaizah). Conventional education begins in elementary school maktab or under the guidance of teachers (mu'alim). Education teenagers get major attention in the conception of the Ikhwan al-Safa. Therefore, teenagers should be educated at a higher level by a teacher who was on call the teacher at the institution called the Assembly. The subjects taught are ilm, (in the context of philosophy or science).

* By arief sugianto students tarbiyah FAI UMM

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