
Reason Reconstruction of Islamic Education*

(Review of Islamic educational thinker Ibn Sina Ikhwan al-Safa, and Ibn Khaldun)
Today life is dealing with politics, culture and civilizations of other nations who dominate it so strong that it was something unusual imbalance occurs. Our enemy today is not the devil or demons concrete,, Äúmusuh, AU we are modernism, globalization with rasonalisme reason, empiricism, positivism, and scientism have been included in the recesses of life. Education (Islamic education) as the backbone of civilization proved incapable, Äúmelawan, AU. Review of Islamic educational thought of Ibn Sina, Ikhwan al-Safa, and Ibn Khaldun is currently very relevant, to the renewal epistimologi, axiology, and the Ontology of rational criticism phantaisme advokativ, manajemannya (from subject-to participatory onbjek intersubjective), school relationships and society (from individualist to pathernersip), curriculum (from the vertical emphasis to senergi vertical-horizontal), the learning patterns (of intimidating to be participatory and creative), learning goals (becoming more independent, autonomous, critical, and socially sensitive), learning content (more communicative), the method of study (from dogmatic become dialogic intersubjective), learning approaches (from the dogmatic become andargogis dialogical pedagogical), the management is more appropriate learning media, and if his social life with justice. So this paper may be used as a vehicle for constructive in relation to the renewal and future development of Islamic education.
Keywords: Rasonalisme, empiricism, positivism, scientism, Epistimologi, Axiology, ontology, curriculum, methods
A. Preliminary
Education is essential for humans. Humans can deal with the universe to sustain life through education in order to survive. Because of the importance of education, Islam places on education is important and high position in doktrinya.
Entering the XXI century or the third millennium in the world of education in confronting the complicated issues which if not addressed appropriately it is possible that the education world will be left behind by the times. Awareness of the emergence of education in resolving and responding to new challenges, which arise at each age is a matter of logic, even a compulsion such things understandable, considering that education is one of the institutions directly involved in preparing for the future of mankind. The failure of education in preparing future of mankind is a failure for the survival of the nation's life.
Growth and development of Islamic education in Indonesia is closely related to missionary activity Islamiah, the Islamic educational role as a mediator in which the teachings of Islam can be socialized to the community in a variety of levels. Through this education, the Indonesian people can understand, appreciate and practice the Islamic teachings in accordance with the provisions of the Al-Qur'an, Äôan and As-Sunnah. In connection with that level of depth of understanding, appreciation and practice of the community against the teachings of Islam is very dependent on the level of quality of Islamic education in the receipt.
An Islamic educational systems contain many components that between one and other related. Educational components include the foundation, objectives, curriculum, competence and professionalism of teachers, the pattern of student teacher relationships, teaching methodology, infrastructure, evaluation and financing.
Various components contained in this education is often run as it is, natural and traditional, because it is done without careful planning concepts due to such circumstances, it makes the quality of Islamic education is less encouraging. This is because the outage tena ga Islamic educators who are professional, that is tena ga educators who besides mastering the science content taught well and properly, should also be able to teach efficiently and effectively to the students, and must also have the idealism. Other problems are also inherent in traditional methodologies cenderun learning, learning is more directed at improving motivation, creativity, imagination, innovation and scientific ethos and the development potensisi child can not be executed as of hope. And teaching methods that have been frequently performed on lecture methods which tend to capitalize on the boards and chalk alone. Review thinking Muslim philosophers Ibn Sina Ikhwan al-Safa, Ibn Khaldun would help and return to the position of Islamic education Idial.

B. Concept Review Avicenna Thought About Education

B.1 Concept background Avicenna Thought About Education
The full name is Abu Ali Ibn Sina Ibn Abdullah Ibn Husien Hasan Ibn Ali Ibn Sina. Ibn Sina was born in the village of Akhsyanah, near Bukhara in the year 370 H / 980M.2 scholars disagree about his birth year. And Ibn al-Qibthi Khalkan said the birth of Ibn Sina in the year 370/980. Ibn Abi Ushaibiah said in 375/985. while some say his birth in the year 373/983, and according to Muhammad in the year 363/973.3 Ustman Nafati The other opinion says that Ibn Sina was born in Persia in the month of Safar in 980 AD, his father lived in the city Baikh is a city located between Georgia and Turkestan.
In the history of Muslim thought, Ibn Sina, known as a Muslim intellectual who earned a lot. Ibn Sina, in addition to appearing as a famous scientist who is supported by his birthplace as a cultural capital and their parents are known as high officials, as well as exceptional intelligence. According to historical records of Ibn Sina began his education at the age of five years in his hometown of Bukhara.
Ibn Sina's Thought a lot to do with education concerning the goods times his thoughts on philosophy of science. According to Ibn Sina science is divided into two, namely that science is not immutable and eternal knowledge (wisdom). Science eternal viewed from its role as a tool can be called logic. But based on the destination, the science of science which can be divided into practical and theoretical. Kealaman theoretical science as science, mathematics, science, divinity and science Kulli. While science is the science of practical morality, science, home management, management science and the science city of the prophet (sharia).
According to Hasan Ibn Sina Langgulung educational thinking in practical philosophy (practical science) contains about the science of morals, science of household affairs, politics and the sharia. These works are principally related to how to organize and guide human beings in various stages and systems. The discussion begins with the individual education. That is how one controls oneself (morals). Then proceed with the guidance to the family (takbiral-Manzil), and then spread to the community (al-Madinat tadbir) and eventually to all mankind
So according to Ibn Sina, the education given by the prophets is essentially a humanitarian education. Here can be seen that the thought of Ibn Sina's education is comprehensive. Meanwhile, the views of Ibn Sina in the field of politics nearly inseparable from his view in the field of religion, because he thought almost all branches of Islamic sciences in touch with politics, science, he is then divided into four branches of moral science, the science of how to manage the household, state of good science and the science of prophetic. Into political science was also included science. Science. Education, because education is a science that science is at the forefront in preparing cadres who lost to carry out the tasks of government.
In educational thought, Ibn Sina has also elaborate on the psychology of education. This can be seen from the description of the relationship with the level of education for children age, child's willingness and talent to know the background level of development, talent and willingness of children, then the guidance given to children will be more successful. According to Ibn Sina human tendency to choose a different job because of the nature of human beings there are hidden factors that elusive and difficult to understand and measure its purity. With the view of Ibn Sina is seen that in mind he has pioneered studies of individual differences (Individual Differences), known as the modern educational world today.
In formulating the concept of education, Ibn Sina great emphasis on moral education. Because at that time the political atmosphere and social conditions in its mass, it is very messy. When it was slander continues raging political turmoil and opposition currents swept the middle schools of the Muslims. Such conditions indicate that how bobroknya morals of the Muslims. Whereas if the morals of a nation has been damaged, then the nation would have been destroyed as well. Such social conditions, either directly or indirectly has influenced educational thinking.
Furthermore, Ibn Sina divided educational level into two parts which are:
1. General level. Uni-level children can learn to be trained to prepare the physical body, mind and soul at this level children are given lessons in reading, writing, Al Qur, Äôan, important issues in the religious foundations of language and a bit of literature.
2. Particular level, at this level the child is prepared to go to a profession which they are trained to conduct practices relating to the problems of life. Because if it only has my curiosity just is not enough but must be practiced continuously. Here Ibn Sina would lead to the professions and talents in accordance with their capabilities and fit with the inclinations of students


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*by arief Sugianto tarbiyah student Faculty of Islamic University of Malang

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