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Critical Pedagogy

in language, pedagogy comes from ancient greek language consists of two words namely Pais, which means the child (child) and Agi which means lead (lead), so the pedagogy means that lead the child or the child's lead. Pedagogy in its development is often understood as education / pedagogy (science of educating children who are minors), while educating / adult pedagogy called Andragogy. Nevertheless the use of the term is often intended as educational pedagogy in general / broad (education) without distinguishing one level of maturity age.
Critical Pedagogy / Education CriticalCritical Pedagogy (Critical pedagogy) is a learning approach that seeks to help students to question and challenge the dominance and the beliefs and practices that dominate (wikipedia). The term has traditionally Referred to educational theory and teaching and learning practices on That Are Designed to raise Learners' critical consciousness Regarding oppressive social conditions. In Addition to its focus on personal liberation through the development of critical consciousness, critical pedagogy Also has a more collective political component, in That critical consciousness is positioned as the Necessary first step of a larger political collective struggle to challenge and transform oppressive social conditions and to create a more egalitarian society. Critical Pedagogy (Critical pedagogy) can be interpreted as critical education is education that is always questioned criticizing education itself in the fundamentals of a good education in a philosophical level, theory, system, implementation of policy or implementation
Critical pedagogy in the philosophical level is a challenge and critique will be the establishment of modernism as well as policy and education organization that is oppresive in a social situation which is also oppressive because it refers to the view of metanarrative / grand narrative that ignores local narratives. Therefore, critical pedagogy often
diindukan / inspired / associated with the Frankfurt school and post-modernism, non essensialisme because a very strong emphasis on education as the practice of human liberation from the economic social order manifested in the educational process. Critical pedagogy have a strong influence from the ideas of Paulo Freire (often regarded as the pioneer thinkers of critical pedagogy), a Brazilian educator (once the Minister of Education), who in his writings (his books include: Education as the practice of liberation, the oh Pedagogy oppressed, pedagogy of the heart, The politics of Education, Culture, Power, and Liberation) explain / elaborate on how education should be implemented in an effort to liberate the human social and educational situations that suppress, dominate and make man must accept what is in the existing social situation without notice and criticize the situation.
Critical Pedagogy has roots / dimensions of political ideology in the context of the struggle for social / political transformation of social conditions of the oppressive powers to achieve a just social order and egalitarian political, philosophical dimensions associated with meaning and purpose of education related to education as the practice of liberation and practical dimensions of human empowerment / individuals / students with the concept of conscientization (critical consciousness realization / the critical coming to consciousness). konsentisasi will lead to a liberating education that focuses on developing critical awareness through understanding the relationship between the individual problems and experiences with the social context in which individuals live, is to the praxis of critical steps to be done as a reflective approach, which involves cycles of action theory, application, evaluation, reflection and then back again to the theory. The cycle will encourage a critical awareness of the human will diridan environment.
In practice the level of education / learning, there are several important concepts that are part of critical pedagogy, among others, constructivism, Banking concept of education, problem posing education, Dialogical methods. Although these concepts related to all dimensions of critical pedagogy, but in its implementation can occur though refers to the practical interests of pragmatism without relating it to the dimensions of political ideology, so that implementation can be viewed as part of an absorbing critical pedagogy, both because of ideological consciousness, and consciousness the importance of the issue in order to improve the quality of education mempu in facing the challenges of rapid change.

Constructivism is a philosophical foundation for the approach of student-centered learning (student centered learning), where the student / learner is an active subject in the construct of knowledge based on experience through action and reflection (learning as an active process in Which Learners construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through action and reflection. Constructivists Argue That individuals generate rules and mental models as the result of other on their Experiences with both human subjects and on their environments and in turn use These rules and models to make sense of new Experiences). For that learning can not perceive that students as vessels to be filled by teachers / educators as appropriate and save money in the bank to fill the teacher as the savings penabungnya learners who are still empty (education.. As an act of depositing, in Which the students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor -> Banking concept of education).
To make the learners / students active in the acquisition of knowledge, then the necessary strategies and methods that exposes students to the problems experienced by problem posing education or education facing a problem where education as the process of transferring information, and embraces a view of education as consisting of acts of cognition That take place through dialogue. Students and Teachers changed from critical co-investigators in dialogue with Each other. In this condition there is no one teaching the other hand parties but all parties learn to teach Men Each other, mediated by the world, by the cognizable objects Which in banking education are 'Owned' by the teacher "
In order to implement the problem posing education in learning a practical level, the method of dialogue (Dialogical method) becomes a way conducive to developing and strengthening collective learning process in this method, all teach and all learn this way of learning to be very egalitarian, where no parties dominate hand Educators and Learners another equally learn from the problems experienced in his life. In this method, all teach and all learn. The dialogical approach contrasts with the anti-dialogical method, Which positions the teacher as the transmitter of knowledge, a hierarchical framework That leads to Domination and oppression through the silencing of students' knowledge and Experiences. This dialog method so as to determine the correct educational Freire's statement that "without dialogue there is no communication, and without communication there Can be no true education."
Critical Pedagogy is not really a new thing, every time when many experts criticized the education system halted until the implementation of the micro-operational level, it's all basically a treasure for us to continue to seek a better effort in improving the quality of education not only in terms of output but also in the context of improving the quality of community life in the social structure, political and economic justice, egalitarian and prosperous as well as humanize humans human. Apart from ideological and political dimensions of complex theory, the implementation of learning in the classroom can benefit from this critical pedagogy to improve the quality of learning in helping future generations have a good character and high productive capability with a base value that can make man human.
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